Climate Change
Global climate change is a prototypical
member of a new class of risks that have global causes and
impacts. The impacts of this “global” risk,
however, will occur in different ways in different places
at different points in time (e.g., sea level rise vs.
drought vs. water-borne disease). Dr. Leiserowitz's
research examines how human decision makers (individuals,
groups and entire societies) perceive climate change risks,
what mitigation and adaptation policies they support or
oppose, and what actions they have or are willing to take
to address this risk. Recent projects include:
Climate Change in the American
A series of national surveys on American risk perceptions,
policy preferences and behaviors regarding global climate
change. For more detail and results, click here.
The Future is Now: Climate Change Detection,
Attribution and Adaptation in Alaska
Alaska (and the rest of the Arctic) has warmed
approximately twice the global average. As a result, Alaska
is already experiencing significant climate impacts. This
project examines how Alaskans are responding. For more
detail and results, click here.
Climate Change, Vicarious Experience and the
Social Amplification of Risk
On Memorial Day 2004, Twentieth Century Fox released
The Day After Tomorrow, a disaster movie depicting
an abrupt climate change leading to a new ice age,
triggered by a shutdown of the North Atlantic thermohaline
circulation system. The Day After
Tomorrow was the first movie to depict an abrupt
climate change for a worldwide audience and sparked a
heated debate about climate change science and politics.
This study examined whether the film significantly
influenced American climate change risk perceptions, policy
preferences and behavioral intentions. For more detail and
results, click here.
Scientific Information vs. Vicarious
Experience in Climate Change Risk Perception and
Behavior: An International Study
An experimental study of different modes of climate change
communication replicated in Argentina, Brazil, England,
Germany, Japan, Mexico and the United States. For more
detail and results, click here.