International Studies
Leiserowitz, A. (2007) Global public perception, opinion, and
understanding of climate change: Current patterns,
trends, and limitations. Thematic paper for:
Human Development Report 2007: Climate Change and
Human Development – Rising to the
Challenge. United Nations Development Program.
Feinberg, G.,
Leiserowitz, A., Auld G., and Cashore, B. (2008)
American and Canadian consumer
attitudes toward environmentally-friendly products and
eco-labeling. The GfK Roper / Yale Survey on
Environmental Issues. New Haven, CT: Yale School of
Forestry & Environmental Studies.
Leiserowitz, A., Kates,
R., and Parris, T. (2006) Sustainability values, attitudes and
behaviors: A review of multi-national and global
trends. Annual Review of Environment and
Resources, 413-444.
Leiserowitz, A., Kates, R., and Parris, T.
(2005) Do global attitudes and behaviors
support sustainable development?
Environment, 47(9), 22-38.
Lorenzoni, I., Leiserowitz, A., Doria, M., Poortinga, W.,
and Pidgeon, N. (2006) Cross-national comparisons of image
associations with ‘global warming’ and
‘climate change’ among laypeople in the United
States of America and Great Britain. Journal of Risk
Research, 9 (3), 265-281. (email for reprint)