Change in the American Mind
Research Questions
How do Americans conceptualize global climate change? What
thoughts, images and feelings does global warming evoke? Do
Americans understand the causes, impacts and potential
solutions to climate change? Does the American public
perceive global climate change as a real threat? How likely
and how severe do they believe the consequences will be?
Does the American public support public policies to
mitigate climate change? What kinds of individual actions
have Americans already taken to mitigate global climate
change and how common are these behaviors?
Nationally representative surveys.
Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., and Roser-Renouf, C. (2009)
Saving energy at home and on the road:
A survey of Americans' energy saving behaviors,
intentions, motivations, and barriers. Yale
University and George Mason University. New Haven, CT:
Yale Project on Climate Change.
Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., and Roser-Renouf, C. (2008)
Global Warming’s “Six
Americas”: An audience segmentation. Yale
University and George Mason University. New Haven, CT:
Yale Project on Climate Change.
Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., and Roser-Renouf, C. (2008)
Global warming and the 2008
presidential election. Yale University and George
Mason University. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on
Climate Change.
Leiserowitz, A. and Broad, K. (2008) Florida: Public opinion on climate
change. A Yale University / University of Miami /
Columbia University Poll. New Haven, CT: Yale Project
on Climate Change.
Leiserowitz, A., Shome, D., Marx, S., Hammer, S., and
Broad, K. (2008) The New York City global warming
survey. A Columbia University / Yale University
Poll. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate Change.
Leiserowitz, A. (2007) Surveying the impact of Live Earth on
American public opinion. A Yale University /
Gallup / ClearVision Institute Study. New Haven, CT:
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
Leiserowitz, A. and Feinberg, G. (2007) American support for local action on
global warming. The GfK Roper / Yale Survey on
Environmental Issues. New Haven, CT: Yale School of
Forestry & Environmental Studies.
Leiserowitz, A. (2007) American opinions on global
warming. A Yale University / Gallup / ClearVision
Institute Poll. New Haven, CT: Yale School of Forestry
& Environmental Studies.
Leiserowitz, A. (2006) Climate change risk perception and
policy preferences: The role of affect, imagery, and
values. Climatic Change.
Leiserowitz, A. (2005) American risk perceptions: Is
climate change dangerous? Risk Analysis, 25 (6),
Leiserowitz, A. (2007) Communicating the risks of global
warming: American risk perceptions, affective images and
interpretive communities. In S. Moser and L. Dilling, eds.
Communication and social change: Strategies for dealing
with the climate crisis, Cambridge University Press.
Leiserowitz, A.
(2003) Policy Report: American opinions on
global warming. (PDF version)
Leiserowitz, A. (2003). Global warming in the American mind:
The roles of affect, imagery, and worldviews in risk
perception, policy preferences and behavior.
Unpublished Dissertation, University of Oregon,